Fast & Friendly
Garage Door Repair
in Your Neighborhood

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in tomball

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Tomball Garage Door Repair & Installation

Work Guaranteed in Writing
for ALL our tomball Neighbors

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Trusted by Families Like Yours

Trusted by Families Like Yours

Daily Discounts to Help You Save More

Committed to Customer Care

For more than 20 years, our team has been committed to delivering families like yours exceptional customer service, industry leading products & value-packed pricing.

Friendly & Knowledgeable Staff is Ready to Help You Today!

Fast & Friendly Garage Door Services for tomball

Serving Tomball and all of Houston

happy Neighborhood Garage Door customers
  • ~ Repairs Done Right
  • ~ Picture Perfect Installs
  • ~ Same Day Service

Welcome to Neighborhood Garage Door Repair & Service!

We’ve been providing families like yours professional garage door repair and services for over 20 years, and we’re glad you stopped by!  We service ALL makes and models of garage doors and openers.

Need a new door?  

Give our team a call, and we’ll walk you through all the options to find the perfect fit for your taste and budget.  We work with the top manufacturers across the country, and because we’re a volume dealer, we’re able to beat the prices that most local companies charge.  Check out our garage door options here.

…or maybe it’s time to have your door serviced?

Great!  We specialize in all sorts of garage door repair work.  Working around the garage door can be fairly dangerous if you’re trying to repair this issue on your own.  Most garage door companies will quickly remind folks about this, and it’s true.  Their are some hazards to watch out for when working around these heavy and high tension doors.  We recommend you give an expert a call to address the issue in a safe and timely manner for you.

24 Hour Emergency Service Available!

It’s TRUE!  We can be at your home in as little as an hour in most cases depending on availability.  We strive to be a convenient option for you from start to finish.

Our Mission

We continuously strive to exceed our customers’ expectations by providing outstanding value, industry leading products, and unmatched service.

Experience and Expertise in Garage Doors

We are a family owned company with over 20 years of professional experience in garage door repair & installation.  Customer service is our top priority.  When you call our team, you’ll be greeted by a courteous representative that will help answers any questions & concerns about the garage door issue you’re facing.  Then, we’ll send out a highly trained technician that will repair the issue correctly the first time.

Transparent & Fair Pricing.

You won’t find any sneaky tricks up our sleeves!  Before any work is completed, the technicians will go over every detail of what needs to be done.  We won’t sell you what you don’t need.  Our goal is to build customers for life, and the only way to do that is treat you with respect & fairness every time you call on us for service.  We work hard to keep prices competitive while offering the highest quality of parts & service available.  Trust that we have your family’s best interest.  We’ll look forward to serving you today & for many years to come with any garage door repair or installation needs.

Thank You for the Opportunity to Serve You Today.

We’re Here to Help!
Speak to a Garage Door Tech Today!


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Our Address

507 Garden Oaks Blvd
Houston, TX 77018
